Weekly Guided Reading - January 12th -18th 2015

Hello lovely readings it is time for your weekly guided reading for January 12th-18th 2015

Monday – Tuesday: Raising Your Standards

You may feel as though you’re slowing down, slipping off, or falling into a rut at the beginning of this week. As we come into the third week of the January the weight of the New Year’s energy has worn off and left the challenges of either facing a year like the last, or approaching an entirely different re-route of mindset, behaviour and perspective.

This is due closely to a lack of standards and strong boundaries coming up to the first pre-section of the Mercury retrograde.  With communication slowing down, your actions will also lessen in speed, and it is all too easy to see it as depression in progress.

This is not the case, and by raising your personal standards as an individual and collectively, you will see a rise in vibration and a steadying in the areas that are strongly tied to the shadow side.

Too often we look at the old, and safe, and see it as a house for our soul to come back to. Only for our soul to find true home, we must look deeper, and search not one room, but all rooms that make up us as spiritual humans, and humans spiritually.

There is more than one way to look at a problem, to rise to the challenge, and to create a clearer space for you mentally and physically. It takes courage, courage that this week I know we all possess and will move through.

Wednesday – Thursday:  Creative Expression

If you are thinking about it- do it. You are being called to stretch and flex in an area that has fallen by the wayside in recent months, or years, that has the potential to create a promising income, or community just by starting.

In this technological age connecting and creating have become integrated and molded so that there is no reason not to reach out, to learn and to expand.

If you feel the fear of time, remember it is all an illusion, and today is the day to reach for the paintbrush, the pen, to bring out that old drum set, or to take up a hobby that involves expressing yourself through your hands, or whole body.

This relates to Business, cooking, teaching and ‘paying it forward’ activities that extend the spirit of connectedness, freeing constrictions, branching off into new areas of interest outside of the mundane, and spirit work.

Friday & Weekend: Magic of Nature

Last week I spoke about the universe sending the message of environmental connection. This week it is about looking deeper than the outside [nature] and further into the personal nature that pertains to our happiness and self worth – which ties in with raising our standards.

It is integral to understand your nature, and how you relate to events, especially events that are extreme emotions. We all have roots; these are based in our Chakras, and also reside in the psychic cords we have attached not to people alone, but to objects and experiences.

This week you will see a spike in these triggers that will ask you to step outside your usual nature, and ask to stand in the feelings for longer than you normally would, this will allow you a gateway to understand, and gain clearer insight into others ‘nature’ and how they relate to conflict and happiness.

We are all mirrors of the outside world, and the world is a mirror of our inside world. The best way to experience the nature of others is to choose to go places you haven’t before; physically and mentally. This would be a great week to take yourself out of your current stagnation, and reach out for an event, festival, travel experience or community opportunity that will teach you about the you that you want to express, and to let go of what needs to be shed; through love, acceptance, and honoring who you are.

To look at where your standards have slipped, write down the top three areas of focus in your life, and see if you can identify I pattern.

It may be that one of your family members has taken to eating an unhealthy diet. Instead of choosing to share that life style choice, independently opt for eating fresh fruits and vegetables and a lean dish, this will raise your standard of living, and give you the high vibration energy you need to be firmer in your convictions.


Blair is a Pagan Loving, Earth magic maverick with a love for Tarot, poetry, Herbs, Creative Writing and Learning. Here you will find all manner of magical tips, techniques, interviews and sharings

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