January Guided Reading 2015

Welcome Lovely Beings to Your January Monthly Guided Reading.

Earth: Physical

January is about reconnecting with the infinite peace, love and wisdom that is inside of you, and that you hold within. Seeking solace in your purpose burns strongly physically this month.

Make time for your guided direction everyday in small steps. Remember that what you are seeking in the physical this month cannot be found in the material world. If you struggle with going inwards, and grounding yourself in your body, practice a meditation or inner child exercise to open your mind to thinking like a child, a newborn, fresh with imagination, and deep wonder.


You are more than your career, work or study this month. It is too easy to get addicted to the ‘busy’ energy, and avoid looking at what is coming up.

For you to discover what you have lost sight off, make a list of those fun, silly, relaxing things that bring happiness and love into the center of your heart.  Surrender the illusion of time to journal about what you are feeling, thinking and what direction you want to move in.

Love kindness, be kind to yourself, and to others especially amidst a situation that is pulling you under.


Your emotional health is your responsibility and brought about your choices. Choose lasting impressions, self love, clarity and explore laterally to get out of yourself, and the ‘busy world into the magic sacred. Call upon Raphael if you need assistance in understanding blocked emotions.

Believe in yourself. Let go of Fear. Get into your body. Reflect in the sunlight and starlight – take time to meditate with your eyes closed, and arms spread wide, stretching as far as you can.

Being open and receptive to deeper explorations of love, and perspective will take you out of the thought stacking, stress mentality of the shifting energy into action, and aid you in choosing the right action steps to focus on and express your energy into.

With each tide, each phase of life there comes a time when we need to work towards becoming higher than we are, expanding and extending ourselves. It does stretch the mind.

Change is Intense, and needed.

Call upon the ancient ways of connecting with the universe, in whatever way calls to you and take the pressure of yourself in trying to figure out where your next move is. Trees, valleys, and oceans will be good for cleansing and connecting with the you that has been hidden beneath the illusions of life.  Eternal love and past life may be light on your mind.


Obstacles challenge you this month revolving problem solving skills. Energetically detaching youself from any situation and people that stand in your way of thinking clearly is encouraged, though this feels more self inflicted, and more about looking at the way you have come at issues, and ways which will work better for you in the coming year.

You will need to ask for help this month, from people who can mentor you through these changes, and offer you fresh advice on how to come at the obstacles that have been plaguing you for the past two years.
Write down what areas you see coming up during the month, and work at seeking out people who are already living the life you aspire to.

Asking Michael to aid you in his prayers along with color therapy [focusing on the color Blue] will fill you with the energy you need to practice calm consciousness. Surrender yourself to water – a salt bath or the ocean will be a great source of ideas and cleansing if you prefer to get out of the house.


We are forever changing; sometimes this is a hard concept to grapple with, especially when we see everything around us stagnant.  January calls for us to let go of our physical hold on life [WAR, DEATH, PAIN, FEAR, ANGER, and RESENTMENT] and the control we convince ourselves we have over the world and other people. There is no separation in this life, even though at every turn it seems that way, we need to come back to the love where separation does not exist, and live in that energy.

By finding your own ways to deal with personal challenges, brainstorming and asking for guidance you will take care of the temple [your body] and allowing breathing room and distance for you to move through the changes coming.

This month is about coming back to you through the eternal life force of breath and touch.


Imagine what you truly desire. Balance creative expression.  Imagine emotionally. Link up with like-minded people. Surrender to your carefree nature that rests in breathing, play and touch.


Blair is a Pagan Loving, Earth magic maverick with a love for Tarot, poetry, Herbs, Creative Writing and Learning. Here you will find all manner of magical tips, techniques, interviews and sharings

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