With the uncovering
of a deeper story embedded illusion Books-
A Recover of a Life Long Love I decided to look to my shelves and take a look at what I have been attempting to read over the past
Six months. I was surprised to notice a few things about each of the books
I was reading and today I am going to share with you the last line of each of
the books I am currently reading, will be starting again and which
ones I will put on the top of my pile. First though lets take a look at some of my bookish habits...
As an avid
reader at heart I will admit that there is some eye rolling going on in my
creative space. I used to be a reader who could knock out 80 books a year and
yet if you asked me what I can remember about those books I can tell you little
about them.
I don’t
really like the term T.B.R [to be read] because it induces this weird fear in
me that I will never get the damn pile down to a manageable selection. [Which to
be honest I never will] I prefer just to call it my reading pile. My reading
pile at present consists of around five plastic crates full of books and a room
with a three bookshelves mostly filled with Non-Fiction books.
Let’s not
even mention my Kindle...okay maybe I will...WE HAVE NO SECRETS HERE. I have had two Kindles in my life span as
an electo nerd and the last one held upwards of 600 unread books, thankfully my
new Kindle holds only 130. I love my
Kindle almost as much as I love my physical copies, but not enough that I could
ever go 100% digital.
I used to be
a Booktuber and reviewed books for publishing companies like Penguin, Carina Press and Harlequin
Teen alongside Austin Macauley
and other Indie authors. I ended up leaving the community and reviewing because
this damn TBR pile got out of hand and I was buying more books than reading them.
I also am a slow reader and can usually only read one book a week. [Finish]
I can read multiple
books at once; in fact I prefer it that way. When I just read one I end up
getting twitchy. This is due to me being a mood reader and my tastes change
dramatically. I also read a lot of series and by read a lot of series I mean
start the first book of about 100 series and forget about the second. The only
full series I have actually finished to date is the Born Wicked Trilogy by
Jessica Spotswood.
I want to acknowledge
The Bards Lament for inspiring the idea around book sentences in her recent
post. To
be read - First Sentence Showdown
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