FULL MOON IN LIBRA – April 4th 2015
Hello Lovelies - Here is your guided insight into this Full Moon with a powerful Lunar Eclipse/Blood Moon.
Libra in a Full moon speaks of changeable
attitudes, chaos, stability, reliability and judgment. Become aware off the shadow
side of this effect as it passes into your social sphere, bringing your ability
to make clear and specific decisions, and your ideals of justice into full
this Blood Moon, a powerful surge of abundance comes into light. Gathering and
collecting your resources during this period is integral for you to begin the
necessary work of understanding and harnessing the power of abundance. We are
still in a time of Harvest, guided by the God and Goddess. We are reminded that
nothing in this life is missing, that we can access what we need at any time, and must
let go of the lack so that a rebirth can occur. A resurrection of eternal life
and power within us, and around us.
April is the month of empowerment and
with empowerment comes the duality of rationality and heart-centered movements.
When these two energies are in alignment anything is possible, and
achievable. We begin to see the old disintegrate, aging, and dying like an autumn leaf, ready to crunch and break apart beneath
our feet. There is great beauty in this slow death, and spiritual evolution is
promised in the direction of the unknown. Your desire to understand it may
be the resistance that is holding you back, for there is no physical path in
front of you, no road map to be guided by, this is a time of going inwards, and
searching for the only map that can truly guide you to the path of self resurrection,
your own inner light. Make decisions based on your heart’s desire, rationality
will work with the universe to bring you to where you need to be.
is magic in the unknown, in making a decision and following where it leads.
You may come to a dead end, or find what you are looking for. It will be what
you want; it may not be how you thought it would look. Look for synergy, where
things work, and meet up. Question the duality in every situation. Weigh up
both sides of the story that you are telling yourself, the stories that we need
to cherish and the ones that only serve to hold us back. When in doubt seek in
the darkness, the moon will guide your emotions to a place of transformation
that if you had a physical map, you would have been blinded by. This is where you will find the marriage
of spirit and matter; the hidden path.
Where do you
want to go from here? If anything is possible, and even in death there is
abundance and harvest to be gathered and appreciated; what are you going to do?
What do you
need to do, to move through into a new awareness?
Where in
your life do you need to work with balancing the scales of action and justice?
Are you
making your own decisions based on your beliefs?
Where are
you giving in excess at the cost of your growth?
Full Moon incantation
Nature holds the balance
Guiding us
to live in our majesty
down the hidden path
behind our bitter seeds
the golden, waiting till they’re ripe
In the power
of this moon – I leave all lack behind
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