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Overarching energy of the week: 4= Building on structure and foundations, insights and realizations, stability and energetically aligned planning.
Confident in her abundance and
the gifts she wants to share with the Earth. The Star has the tree of life to
support her, guiding birds and the stars that signify the purpose that is
alignment with her dreams. Together they unite as an integral part of a larger
picture. Tipping the cups, she balances the areas of nourishment and
productivity while the great Mesa Mountains remind us that mountains can be
moved and the unknown can offer us beauty and guidance if we can let go of
the need to constrain time. The mountains are made by the shifts we make in
unison with the Divine and the trust we give ourselves to live in our vulnerable
authenticity, embracing the power of the fullness of who we really are through
self sustainability and the healthy connection and release of emotions. This is
your time to shine.
Journaling Questions for The Star
What small steps are you taking to make your dreams a reality?
What can you do this week to create balance so that you can grow?
What thrills you about being vulnerable? What scares you?
What do you think is beyond the mighty mountains for you?
How are you harnessing the powerful creative energies inside of you?
Where can you fill your cup ? [your energy centers]
You are holding on to tight to
the material. Sitting on your throne, the physical rules your heart, grounding
you at the centers of your being. You may feel pegged in, accepting of your
situation, while the need to do things your own way, down a solitary path is
blocking the truth of your desire for support. All positive challenges and
successes in life are made more worthwhile when we loosen up, and allow
ourselves the experience of sharing it with the people we love. This is a time
to acknowledge that you can trust in your stability, and if you turn around and
see things from a different perspective you open yourself up to receiving
abundance that can build on what you already have. This is also a great time to
reflect and admire what you have achieved and thank the people, your guides and
the universe for the part they played in getting you to point in your amazing
journey. Don’t forget to be grateful to yourself.
Journaling Questions for The Four of Pentacles
How can you share the abundance that you have right now with the people around you?
What in the material or physical world grounds you?
Do you prefer the solitary path of material wealth and stability, or community?
The harvest has come, new seeds
have been planted and fully grown projects now bloom. What a fantastic time to
rejoice and recuperate. This is an ending of a cycle to prepare for a new one.
You have been loyal to your dreams and passions taking action steps and
connecting to the light and shadow sides of the material world and your
experiences, and now you are able to enjoy the fruits of your dedication and
progress with those who have helped you, or those you have guided alongside.
Acceptance, wealth, gratitude and a calm before the new storm of the tower is
ready to shake things up, and send you into the majestic path of chaos ready to
birth new seedlings.
Ask yourself where have I created harmonious balance in my
life, and where is the discord simmering?
Be prepared for the mundane to
become magical.
Journaling Questions for the Ten of Pentacles
What does Chaos mean to you?
How can you practice living in the awareness of the change around you?
Who has been your greatest mentor during this cycle of change and growth?
Who can you welcome into your life to help guide you through your next cycle?
The Tower – Welcome the chaos that is the tower. This is a
time of great awakening, confusion and significant changes. Widespread
repercussions of opening yourself up and embracing the chaos will allow you to
remove false values and beliefs that have been keeping you in a self inflicted
state of entrapment.
Thank you sacred beings,
May this week bring you
encouragement, support and great change.
As I am stepping into the energy
and connection with Aphrodite I wanted to share some of the engaging, powerful
and insightful resources that I have connected with during this week.
Vanessa Florence is a beautiful,
soulful, and powerful woman living and sharing her vision successfully through
a dancing movement, practice and archetypal masterpiece called Dancing Eros. I
have watched from the side lines, and was involved in witnessing a group of
women dance through the powerful Archetypes and come into their power in a
breathtaking and courageous way. I am blessed to have experience it.
When it came into my energy again
it was no surprise that it was when Aphrodite was welcoming me to be the
vulnerable and receptive being for sensuality and intellect. I really feel this is Vanessa’s work.
Connecting us to our bodies, our spirit and out power and combining what we
have to bring to the work through creativity and love. I urge you to check her
out, she has just launched the Eros brand, and often writes and Vlogs along her
journey in life.
If you are a history nerd, a soul
searcher or love to watch documentaries I am recommending this one. It goes
into the life of Cleopatra in a way I have never seen it portrayed and gave me
deeper insight into the legacy she has left behind for all people about sensuality, intelligence, power, determination and trust in facing our fears. As
with anything I took what I believed and disregarded what I didn’t, but if you
enjoy learning and connecting with strong female archetypes personified through
history check it out.
This deck spoke to me the second
I saw it. I had to touch it, and connect with it, and I got a chance to when I
was shopping in the city at a Theosophical bookshop. I ended up purchasing it, and will be doing a review when I
get my hands on it. I wanted to share it as a resource because I strongly
believe that Gaia is presenting herself more than ever before in the hearts,
spirit and mind of all who are willing to connect with her energy. She has so
much to teach us, especially if we are of Pagan connection, even if not, I
would still whole heartedly recommend this heart and nature centered deck that
has powerful, whimsical and magical images. For fans of Toni’s, Universal
Wisdom deck, or the Pagan at heart.
You can purchase a Personal
reading over at my ETSY store. ETSY
- Goodmessart. I offer guided general readings, dream interpretations and shadow
Have a Blessed
& Fantastic Week – Love Blair
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